
May 17 – Memorial Day for people who died of AIDS

Every day in Ukraine continues to increase the number of HIV-infected and AIDS patients. Sad to admit, but our country continues to occupy first place in Europe for these indicators. Moreover, predictions are still disappointing; experts say that in 2010 the number of HIV-infected could exceed more than 600 thousand people.
For decrease the number of HIV-infected is needed to explain and inform the public about all the risks and dangers associated with this disease. After all, even the ancient saying that «he who has knowledge, he owns the world».
Since the beginning of the epidemic, and till now AIDS killed for about 23 million people and in their memory every third Sunday in May Memorial Day is conducted for people who died of AIDS.
This year that Day is May 17. In some cities will scale action to ensure that people remember and know that this misfortune could affect everyone, regardless of place of residence, status or wealth.
Center for Healthy Lifestyle and the Youth Studio «Youth choose Health» offers varied information related to HIV / AIDS, and invites anyone who wants to acquire not only knowledge but also skills on this subject to join our trainings as participants.